How to Invest for Rising Interest Rates

sectors that benefit from rising interest rates

In addition, any company that is not reliant on growth through low-cost debt can go up along with interest rates as it does not require external costly financing for expansion. When the Federal Reserve raises the federal funds rate, newly offered government securities—such as Treasury bills and bonds—are often viewed as the safest investments. They will usually experience a corresponding increase in interest rates. In other words, the risk-free rate of return goes up, making these investments more desirable. As interest rates fall, it becomes easier to borrow money, and many companies will issue new bonds to finance expansion.

The 10-year treasury yield is around 3.9 percent, while the headline inflation rate over the past 12 months is above 5.4 percent and falling. Futures markets indicate speculators believe interest rates will stay “higher for longer” as Federal Reserve Chairman Powell has said, but will go down next year. Talks about the March Fed rate hike have boosted the space lately. The steepening of the yield curve is a tailwind for banking stocks as these improve banks’ net interest margins. This is because the interest rates on deposits are usually tied to short-term rates while loans are often tied to long-term rates.

sectors that benefit from rising interest rates

Stability, not rapid share price appreciation, is the name of the game. What also makes AMG interesting is that it is truly a network of affiliates. Its suite of 14 different “boutiques” include offices with expertise in different areas, independent staff and strong brands in their local markets.

Cut Bond Duration When Interest Rates Are Rising

This means that demand for lower-yield bonds will drop, causing their price to drop. Understanding the relationship between interest rates and the stock market can help investors understand how changes may impact their investments. They can also be better prepared to make better financial decisions. Below, we will examine how interest rates can have an effect on the economy as a whole, the stock and bond markets, inflation, and recessions.

This is because the Federal Reserve raises rates when the economy appears to be growing too fast. When inflation becomes an issue, the Fed will likely raise rates to help cool it down. If you choose to invest in mutual funds when rates are rising, you have to know which mutual fund categories can work for you.

To be sure, a bank may have made the list because analysts believe its loan and deposit pricing mix is set up to take particular advantage of rising interest rates. A good example of this occurred in 2002 when the Fed cut the federal funds rate to 1.25%. By raising and lowering the federal funds rate, the Fed can prevent runaway inflation and lessen the severity of recessions. However, rising interest rates and inflation, which erodes the value of cash, aren’t bad news for some industries, according to Steven G. DeSanctis, an equity strategist at Jefferies. Technology has not traditionally been known for a high level of sensitivity to changes in interest rates. However, interest rates are so low that mathematically speaking, even relatively small changes in interest rates can have a dramatic effect on the current value of high growth stocks.

  • What used to be a modest increase in borrowing costs for less-than-perfect borrowers can now become an onerous burden, and parties on both sides of loans are looking to assess and manage their credit risks.
  • For those choosing to act on the recommendation, Vanguard Materials ETF  is an example of an exchange-traded fund that offers exposure to this sector.
  • When comparing the average dividend yield on a blue-chip stock to the interest rate on a certificate of deposit (CD) or the yield on a U.S.
  • The market is currently pricing in a 20% to 30% chance of another 25 basis point rate hike (0.25%) at one of the remaining three Fed meetings scheduled for 2023, according to CME Group.
  • Furthermore, there are other investments that appear resilient and reasonably insulated from any rate-related disruptions on Wall Street.

As one example, in December, one of its AI-driven tools won an industry award for its ability to detect payments fraud. So this is a two-year story, at least, while Wall Street’s ratings and price targets, and financial-media coverage, is generally geared to much shorter periods. The existence of interest allows borrowers to spend money immediately, instead of waiting to save the money to make a purchase. The lower the interest rate, the more willing people are to borrow money to make big purchases, such as houses or cars.


The IoD’s surveys show the Bank’s large, half-a-point interest rate rise in June “led to a worsening in the way that business leaders considered the outlook for the economy”. She pointed to the spike in public sector deals that have sent pay, including bonuses across Whitehall, the NHS and the rest of the public services to a record high of 12.2%. Steve Forbes doesn’t expect the Federal Reserve to raise rates in upcoming meetings, but the Forbes Media chairman doesn’t see cuts in the near term either.

Say a bond with a $1,000 face value pays 5% interest annually ($50 per year) at a fixed interest rate. A bond investor could now buy a new bond for $1,000 and be paid $100 per year for holding it. Inflation refers to the rise in the price of goods and services over time. It is the result of a strong and healthy economy; however, if inflation is left unchecked, it can lead to a significant loss of purchasing power.

Like other industries on this list, healthcare is recession resistant and will probably always be in demand. Most consumers would reduce other discretionary expenses before healthcare costs, giving this sector an edge during rising inflation. This sector tends to have above-average performance during inflation and increasing rates, thanks to higher oil prices.

These banks are considered “asset sensitive,” because their loans are repricing more quickly than their deposits. Besides the federal funds rate, the Federal Reserve also sets a discount rate. The discount rate is the interest rate the Fed charges banks that borrow from it directly. This rate tends to be higher than the target federal funds rate (in part, to encourage banks to borrow from other banks at the lower federal funds rate). The federal funds rate influences the prime rate, which is the base rate from which other interest rates are determined, such as mortgage rates and the rates on personal loans.

The web link between the two companies is not a solicitation or offer to invest in a particular security or type of security. ZacksTrade does not endorse or adopt any particular investment strategy, any analyst opinion/rating/report or any approach to evaluating individual securities. But that lack of volatility cuts both ways, and the appeal of this stock to many investors is, in fact, this slow-and-steady performance.

The companies using these materials to produce a finished good—or simply in their day-to-day operations—will see a corresponding increase in their profit margins as their costs drop. For this reason, these companies are generally seen as a hedge against inflation. For example, profit margins can increase during this time, especially with banks. With higher rates, banks can charge higher rates on consumer loans. Interest rates on other types of financing like credit cards, car loans and payday loans also increase. Financials tend to perform strongly in a rising interest rate environment (depending on the health of the overall market).

Just as it is wise to keep your fixed-income portfolio liquid, it is also prudent to lock in your mortgage at current rates before they rise. If you are eligible to refinance your house, this is probably the time to do so. These real estate assets can be easily purchased online via a broker or at crowdfunding sites for minimal or zero costs.

Yr Bond

Poultry and beef producers may also see an increase in demand when rates rise, due to increased consumer spending and lower costs. Not all strategies that profit from rising rates pertain to fixed-income securities. Investors looking to cash in when rates rise should consider purchasing stocks of major consumers of raw materials. The financial sector has historically been among the most sensitive to changes in interest rates. With profit margins that actually expand as rates climb, entities like banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, and money managers generally benefit from higher interest rates. It may be that the smallest banks are overlooked by investors and don’t appear in many passive index funds and this could help them if a bear market is driven by passive flows.

This makes purchasing goods and services more expensive for consumers and businesses. For example, purchasing a home becomes more expensive as mortgage rates rise and financing growth for a business also becomes more expensive as rates on loans increase. When this happens, consumers spend less, which results in a slow down of the economy. This can forex trader best cause earnings to fall and stock prices to drop, and the market may tumble in anticipation. On the other hand, if people expect that the Federal Reserve will instead announce a rate cut, the assumption is consumers and businesses will increase spending and investment. Many investors know that interest rates have a big impact on their debt.

  • Unfortunately, investments that hedge against inflation tend to perform poorly when interest rates begin to rise simply because rising rates curb inflation.
  • But PFG is separate from similar names on this list because it has bigger scale and more stable operations.
  • She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more.
  • The bank may be forced to raise the interest rates it pays on deposits if higher interest rates persist.

By increasing the federal funds rate, the Federal Reserve is effectively attempting to shrink the supply of money available for making purchases. Conversely, when the Federal Reserve decreases the federal funds rate, it increases the money supply. One way that governments and businesses raise money is through the sale of bonds. As interest rates move up, the cost of borrowing becomes more expensive.

Have Interest Rates Risen Since the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Prices for some end products have been rising, which is important to note given that the Fed can respond to fast-rising prices by tightening its policy. The bank pays its customers an annual percentage rate of 1% interest, but the bank earns 2% on that cash by investing it in short-term notes. The banking industry encompasses not only corner banks but investment banks, insurance companies, and brokerages. Payroll processors generally maintain large cash balances for customers in the periods between paychecks, which is when the money is distributed to their employees as payroll. These firms should see improved interest revenues when interest rates rise.

Insurance companies can also perform well since they can earn higher yields on their bond investments. These companies usually invest in safe, reliable bonds to earn steady income that backs the insurance policies that they write. Commodity‐related products, including futures, carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors.

What would you say if you were told about a company whose stock was trading much lower to expected earnings per share than the S&P 500 Index? At the same time, it’s also expected to increase EPS nearly three times as quickly as the benchmark index through 2023. The measure of the sensitivity of a bond’s price to a change in interest rates is called the duration. The sensitivity of a bond’s price to interest rate changes is known as “duration.” The longer the maturity of the bond, the more it will fluctuate in relation to interest rates. Similarly, to combat the rising inflation in 2022, the Fed has been increasing rates throughout the year. This affects not only consumers but also businesses and farmers, who cut back on spending on new equipment, thus slowing productivity or reducing the number of employees.

The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision. The ABA advisory committee includes economists from JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo & Co. Its forecasts are regularly presented to Fed Chair Jerome Powell and fellow members of the central bank’s board in Washington. However, the measure of pay that excludes bonuses stuck at 7.8% in the three months from May to July, the same as the three months to June.

Buy or Invest in Real Estate

Investors can use margin loans to buy more securities than they would be able to buy with their available cash, amplifying their gains and losses. On March 16, 2022, the Fed announced it raised its target for the federal funds rate to a range of 0.25% to 0.50%. Since then, however, the Fed has raised the Fed funds rate beyond that as it combats inflation.

Interest Rates: An Overview

Investors can look for companies with low debt-to-equity (D/E) ratios or companies with large amounts of cash. Large, mature companies that hoard cash are also a great opportunity, such as Apple (AAPL). Which had $28.4 billion in cash at the end of its second fiscal quarter of 2023.

Both also use a modified equal-weight formula that makes for a more diversified portfolio. Along with the smaller banks in QABA, these firms can benefit from deglobalization if business relocates onshore. Wealth will shift away from Wall Street towards workers’ wages and smaller-scale manufacturing that falls into the smaller and regional banks’ wheelhouse. Insurance and investment management giant Principal Financial Group (PFG, $84.10) is another example of a big financial firm being one of the best stocks for rising interest rates. But PFG is separate from similar names on this list because it has bigger scale and more stable operations.